Our babies will kick your....

El Adon just earned his black belt in Tae Kwon Do and showed us in C-Truth at our December Parliament why he is the Truth.

Now Cipher Victory

Now Cipher Victory Parliament in C-Truth. Keeping the momentum going from the G7 conference and social equality with universal family from Medina (Cee Allah) and the Oasis (Rakim).

Paradise Garden

At the G7 Economic Conference that the Gods and Earths of C-Truth had (conference summary coming soon) we came to the conclusion that we wanted to work to manifest internal social services amongst the Gods and Earths in C-Truth. Food, clothing and shelter. The God Allah Scientist whose business deals with real estate manifested how one of his properties would always have an apartment free in case any God or Earth fell on hard times, they would have a place of refuge. We also have the Asiatic clothing exchange amongst the righteous in C-Truth. The final piece of the puzzle has been the garden. This is where the Pairi Daeza God and Earth Communnity Garden comes into place.

Pairi Daeza is from an Old Iranian root, attested in Avestan as pairi.daêza-. The literal meaning of this Eastern Old Iranian language word is "walled (enclosure)", from pairi- "around" + -diz "to create, make". The word is not attested in other Old Iranian languages (these may however be hypothetically reconstructed, for example as Old Persian *paridayda-).By the 6th/5th century BCE, the Old Iranian word had been adopted as Akkadian pardesu and Elamite partetas "domain"

So in short it is the Paradise Garden. And a garden mathematically is symbolic to Culture. It's lining up all of your Understanding (fruits of your labor) in orderly segments so that it all makes a collective sense. This physical garden though is reflective of the fact that the majority of the Gods and Earths of C-Truth are vegetarian and we love to eat anytime we gather.

Its in my Old Dad's backyard. Turns out that this whole strip of houses along this block use to have Victory Gardens. Growing up, even in the hood, my father kept a garden. From building with him I found out that there use to even be a cherry tree in this backyard. So after thinking it through and building with the Gods and Earths we're going all in.

It won't be unveiled until the Spring yet we're already mapping it out. We'll keep you in tune every step of the way.

Already we have some seeds from one of our sisters in Venezuela and I'm working on getting some more from my alike I-Born whose parents are in Venezuela.

Have the will to till the soil.

Even in the Rain...

....the Earths decided that they wanted to get up and move. Eternal Earth made a move to a new rest earlier in the month and then EarthIAsia decided that she wanted to get up and move so we brought out the squad and made the move. We have WAY to many excuses for us to indulge in social equality with each other...even in the rain.

Nation Building & The Mass State Victory

"National Conciousness is the consciousness of our origin in this world, which is divine. As a nation of people we are the first in existence and all other peoples derived from us. National Consciousness is the awareness of the unique history and culture of Black people and the unequaled contributions we have made to world civilization, by being the fathers and mothers of civilization. National Consciousness is the awareness that we are all one people regardless to our geographical origins and that we must work and struggle as one if we are to liberate ourselves from the domination of outside forces and bring into existence a Universal Government of Love, Peace and Happiness for all the people of the planet."

The understanding build and understanding born degrees of the 1-40 envelop the work thats being done in Region 2. The Father said if you wanna see me all you gotta do is come together. We come together to build a bond. From Master Allah(MA) to See Truth(CT), from Rulers Island(RI) to See Allah Now(Canada), we're creating bonds. And collectively, we're "showing and proving Allah is God. Always has been, always will be" through our way of life. To some, this may not mean too much. Many of us can't see the reality or impact we have as a Nation beyond our respective cities. The Nation of God and Earth is GLOBAL. And through the painstaking years of brothers and sisters such as yourself, teaching and living this out right and exact, America is beginning to bear witness to who we are...A NATION!

We have for many years sought legitimacy and acceptance on our own terms from the government and its various departments, both Federal and State. They continue (daily) to mislabel us. They tried to label us a gang, a splinter group, a cult, a hate group, and terrorists. Yet through the bonds we have built from city to city and from state to state, with everyone building with one common cause, we proved ourselves to be "All Wise and Righteous". Our first victory would be The Father's return from the Psychiatric Unit at Bellevue Hospital wit the stamp of approval "SANE". And shortly after the assassination of Martin Luther King, when masses of black, brown, and yellow people rioted, it was the Gods and Earths who kept a city from burning. Through the years we have accomplished a great deal victories...on the streets. Meanwhile behind bars, those same True and Living Gods and Earths are labeled S.ecurity T.hreat G.roups, gangs, a splinter group, a cult, a hate group, and terrorists and are treated as such. And I'm not speaking as someone on the outside looking in, I'm building as a young God who was on the inside looking out. To be real, we as a Nation don't receive the same credibility we do on the streets, behind bars. Alot of us take that for granted. "Yacub didn't build prison houses" because it gives an individual "a chance to clean themselves up". During that(Yacub's) time period it was my way or the high way. Yet now we have an assortment of Federal, State, and County jails and prisons that house Gods and Earths who "prepared not, neither do according" to the laws of mathematics. Who, through trial and error, have shown and proven themselves to be the epitome of the knowledge equality degree of the 1-40. Oft-times, jail is a revolving door. Yet the Gods incarcerated in the state of Massachusetts have introduced a "program" that enables good brothers to get out and stay out. They have taken societies worst and made them societies best, by living by the laws supreme mathematics and teaching civilization, righteousness, the knowledge of self, and all the sciences of everything in life, love, peace, and happiness. We teach that education should be fashioned to enable us to be self sufficient as a people. And by doing so, day in and day out, week by week, month by month, and year by year, they have achieved much success. Their recent victory within the penal system will reverberate through time for many years to come. Why? Because of the bonds we have built as a nation. The National Office of Cultural Affairs helped solidify this bond. Through their continuous efforts to ensure fair treatment of our brothers and sisters behind bars, making sure we have a voice and that it's heard, Through the constant building over the phones and through letters. Through meetings with Federal and State officials, standing up for what is right and being exact in what must be done to support our nation, we are victorious.

The state of Massachusetts is now officially the first state in America to recognize The Nation of God and Earth for being a God Centered Culture. What does this mean? This means Gods can walk around with the flag on their lapel. This means Gods can have regular 120 classes, Rallies, Parliments, and National "Holidays". This means we can build freely. Most importantly this means we are nolonger registered or fingered as being a gang, security threat group, hate group, cult, terrorist group, or any of the like. This victory is synonymous to the State agreeing "The Black Man is God". And because we have shown and proven without a shadow of doubt who we are, what we teach, and what we will achieve through building, ANY GOD OR EARTH CAN NOW ATTEND REGULAR 120 CLASSES, RALLIES, PARLIMENTS, AND NATIONAL "HOLIDAYS" WITH GODS(AND EARTHS) BEHIND BARS!!!!

Yea I said it, if your citys events are on the same day as the events taking place behind bars, and you want to add on, YOU CAN!!! Brothers and Sisters in the free cipher can now build IN PERSON with Gods and Earths who are incarcerated. However, it ain't that simple. Because your going INTO the prison there are a few things that must be done on your part. I encourage everyone to get in contact with the N.O.C.A Representative in your state and fill out a Volunteer Services Packet. Once this process is completed and you have the stamp of approval, you will have to go through an orientation process(Student Enrollment). The rest is downhill.

I also encourage each and everyone of you to reach out to those incarcerated Gods and Earths and show your support. Build a Bond, and if what is being done here isn't being done in your state, stand up and fight for your Nation. Be the difference you want to see in the world. Get in contact with your states N.O.C.A Rep and find out how you can help. Bulders build, so keep building. And with that, I'mma say PEACE!!!!!

Wise Teacher Allah
Region 2 Mass Rep

Refinement is off to an incredible start....

Refinement: The Mecca of Black Consciousness in New Heaven opened on Day One, October 10th, 2009. It is owned and overseen by A'Kem I Allah and NiRule U Allah affectionately known as "the knowledge brothers" around New Heaven. The shop is setting up for its official opening in the upcoming weeks with food prepared by the Earths of C-Truth catering squad.

The spot already has been serving as a great rallying point for the Gods and Earths of C-Truth. On any given day you can find Gods and Earths from Born Power Truth or He Father adding on in Refinement. The Earths of C-Truth also already are on the interior decorating.

In addition the economic Darb el-Arbain route is starting to take place as they connect a black network between One Sea, Many Rivers in Born Power Truth and Tru Booksin He Father. This is an exciting time for all. If you are anywhere near C-Truth come through and visit.

Universal Elevation

The Earth SciHonor Devotion, who rests in Born Power Truth (Bridgeport, CT) is one of the editors of the Nation periodical "The 14th Degree and Beyond". Here is one of her articles building on "Universal Elevation."

National Office of Cultural Affairs

Peace to the nation of gods and earths. Justice is a reward or penalty depending on his or her ways and actions, or level of awareness. Those of us that are apart of the nation of gods and earths knows and understand, we must be right and exact just and true.
ALLAH gave his children {his nation} a guideline to lead a righteous way of life. It started with the word {11-114}. He ALLAH taught us illiterate means ignorant {6-1-14}. ALLAH also told us to go back to school, learn a skill or trade to build your nation and family.

So what are you waiting for, those of you that attend that revolving door {incarceration}need to learn how to build which means to understand or be destroyed by the god in you. Justice is the 10th degree in our SA so that means we have to what? Knowledge the cipher, knowledge borns equality and cipher borns power all that borns is your foundation must be right and exact to show and prove your power and equality in the cipher that is the completion of that degree in the cipher.

Remember reward is what you will receive from a duty or job {10-1-14} - {40-1-40} penalty is a punishment resulting from an action or a condition of not knowing {4-1-14}-{19-140}-{20-1-40} we need you brothers {gods} in the free cipher, to help save the babies and many of you have babies. Show and prove that god is not a mystery. We at N.O.C.A. in all parts of the planet are striving with every breath to help those long term brothers to be free from persecution because they say they are god. We are indeed doing our best. So you gods that are attending that revolving door must do the best in staying free and helping your family. Those of you upon release need to add on to the nation in your area build in your community, take a trip to ALLAH school in Mecca and build so stay wise and civilized.

I would like to thank born king Allah for this professional office for freedom, justice, and equality. More will be revealed; your brother in the struggle peace.


The Words of God

Knowledge the greatness in you. Take that, and make something great of yourself. The World is waiting.

Wise Teacher Allah

How to take the devil off our planet

The science to everything in life exist within the blackman. Our civilization and righteousness is the wisdom to be used when destroying the devil. The supreme mind of Allah has created all in which we know. Solidifying the universal fact is the supreme knowledge of ourselves. Once the black man has engaged into his higher self. The capacity of his mind is now his reality utilizing the mass potential of his brain, which is 7 ½ ounces. Bringing forth his true self as God.
Our earth once fully developed by god will ascend into her highest equality. This will enable her to exist on her plane of 6. Knowledge her blackman as God and understanding her culture which is Islam. The universal mind of Allah once adhered by the blackman and woman brings forth the existence of God& Earth which is the initial action towards destroying the devil.
Supreme mathematics and our history accompanied with the degree our lessons allows us to detach ourselves the devil’s civilization. The devil’s civilization depends upon the labor and actions of our people and the only way he can benefit from our labor id to keep our people in a triple state of darkness (blind, deaf and dumb) blind to themselves so he could master them (born universal truth) with the knowledge of the poor righteous teachers educating our people & elevating their minds .
The devil’s reign over our planet has ended due to the refinement of our thinking. Through this refinement the devil’s encapsulation of our people is being relinquished. Leaving him to die in his own iniquity.
Extracting the devil’s way of life from our history is taking the devil off our planet. Within the physical composition of (arm, leg, leg, arm, supreme head) exist the supreme mind. Within the physical is a complete cipher to the planets above. Such as it is above it is below. our physical entity is the our planet and is the initial place of destroying the devil, once its or he destroyed, within the mind by gaining the true knowledge of ourselves, our ways and actions start to reflect our refined minds .thus showing and proving our power to take the devil off our planet in one day. This process is a reverse of the cipher in which we were victimized. Taking the back our culture is our true way of life entails our original attributes, the knowledge of self and healthy diet free from swine and other poisonous animals.
This brings forth proper conduct amongst our BLACK NATION as well as all subjects on the planet earth and all throughout the universe reflecting God’s true light and nourishing our environment.
Its imperative that we take the devil off our planet in our understanding build degree in the 1-40 it shows and proves that Allah is God always has been always will be. Therefore we mandated it to be it will exist. Exemplifying our duty to all of the above.
Lord Supreme Wisemind Allah

Doing time in Heaven

Last parliament in New Heaven was a success. Starting next month we move them north to He-Father. Many Gods came out from He-Father and New Heaven who ain't never been around the Cipher. Gods showing up to be accountable for self and to add on to the growth and development of what has been going on in C-Truth. The whole Cipher was receptive to the copies of Knowledge of Self: A Collection of Wisdom on the Science of Everything in Life. The streets of C-Truth will soon be ablaze with Gods and Earths slanging books to the 85%. The importance of having consistent parliaments and 'non hidden' parliaments was emphasized as several youth and people walking by stopped to do the knowledge to the Gods and Earths and even approach us asking questions. Though the contingent of Gods and Earths from Black Medina weren't able to make it we look forward to strengthening our bond with our brothers and sisters in the Kingdoms up North of Mecca-Mass, Black Medina and Black Patmos. Peace to the Gods and Earths.

Make it happen

The universe is written in the laws of mathematics. Almost all ancient and modern scientists have said this, in or way or another. Understanding these laws, and living by them, puts you in harmony with the grand scheme of things. Until you do this, your're going "against the grain" and bound to run into problem after problem. Every system in the universe, no matter how big or small, is governed by the same laws or principles. And guess what is at the very center of it all? You.***

You know this already though. It's funny how people take alot of things on face value. My favorite saying is "if you know better, do better." Why is it that it's easy for us to do all within our power to keep up a front like "we made it" and we all struggling. Why is everybody on the fast track speeding? Don't you know slow and steady wins the race? It's the small things that count. And believe it or not the more you focus on the small tedious things the stronger we become. What does that mean Wise? It means we can learn from everything around us. The normal stuff we totally ignore everyday because they really don't hold any relevence. Like, todays date for instance. 9 times out of 10 the only reason why you know todays date is cuz you either have an appointment, had to write the date on todays lecture notes for your class, it's your day off, pay day is one or two days away(if not today), birthdays, anniversaries, bills, etc.

Other than that, we hold onto knowing today is the 9th ALL day. Whats the significance of the number 9? The universe is written in the laws of mathematics. Every number has (a) value, every value is a principle, every principle is a tool or stepping stone, or road block if you not right and exact in what your doing. And regardless to what you say, your actions speak louder than your words. It's gonna be born or brought into existence. Todays mathematics is the born day(the 9th), which means to bring into existence. From the mental to the physical. Making thoughts a reality. All you gotta say is "BE" and it is, feel me? The 9th letter of the Alphabet is I. That letter is directly showing you who is in control of everything. "I" is born complete. It has all the necessary elements it needs to cultivate "U". "I" stands alone...upright. "I" needs no other element outside of itself to born itself, cuz "I" is what number in the Alphabet? "I" is the realization of one's self as an independent builder. Everything is the way it is because of the choices you made. If you know better, do better. The choice is yours. You know that already doe. Yet alot of us are afraid to make a change, and too afraid to make a difference. Let alone being the change and being the difference. Alot of us fear responsibility not keeping the phrase handy. If you know better, do better. It's the small things that count. You are at the center of it all. So never overlook the little things you say or do, especially infront of children. Because your thoughts, words, ways, and actions are powerful. Just look at everything you've accomplished from then till now. You said "this is what it is" and made it happen. You DID it. You may not have it "made", yet its a beautiful struggle. Everything has to go through stages inorder to fully develop, even you and me. Born means to bring into existence. What you gon' do? Be the best at whatever it is, and thats the significance of today's date.


Wise Teacher Allah

In Heaven

C-Truth is looking forward to the upcoming Parliament. Visitors from Black Medina planning to come through. This is the last outside Parliament for the season in Knowledge (Edgewood) Park. During the Fall and Winter months it switches to an inside venue in He-Father or New Life. Many new Gods were detected around C-Truth during the past month. It will be good to see if they come through to add on with their family.

Little known fact #1

Boston, which is now known as Black Medina by the Gods and Earths was first named Born Master.

Calendar of Events

Keep you eyes on the calendar of events to the right of the blog posts. This will keep you in tune with the happenings in the Region.

Doc Photography

If you check the photos above in the album from the C-Truth Family Day you can see the work of Daanish Allah of Doc Photography. On the real his work is second to none. That is how the God does it. In addition to his photography the God also holds it down for the Nation in New Life, C-Truth which is New London,CT. To secure his talent for your next affair get at him at Doc Photography at doctanko12@yahoo.com.

Foxx Chess Club

The Foxx Chess Club is held every Sunday in Born Power Truth (Bridgeport,CT) from 6pm-8pm. The God Jah'King U Allah oversees inner city youth as they learn the art of chess. For more information about the club you can contact us at righteous.addon@gmail.com.

Street Academy in New Heaven

The Street Academy in New Heaven is underway. The building has been secured and this weekend cleaning and set up has started. The Gods Al Khem I Allah and NiRule U Allah have also had a meeting with various area vendors who want to sell some of their wares out of the Street Academy.

The first official Street Academy in New Heaven was founded circa 1999 in the same building where the Black Panthers of New Heaven held their offices in in the 60's/70's. Before that Gods and Earths in New Heaven held civilization classes in the Q-House, a popular neighborhood community center, during the 90's.

The location is on Whalley Ave where there is a great amount of traffic of people in the hood as well as a direct path to Southern Connecticut State University. The people of the neighborhood have already praised the presence of the Gods and Earths in their neighborhood and are looking forward to the unveiling of the Street Academy. We are also.


Al-Khem I Allah, Born Wise Allah and NiRule Understanding Allah have started the Refinement line in New Heaven. This line deals with accessories for women such as pocketbooks, oils, and organic soaps. More items will be added later. The Refinement line will be available at various points in New Heaven including the forthcoming Street Academy in New Heaven. For more info regarding this line you can contact them via email at refinement34@yahoo.com.

G7 Micro-summit

Sending out feelers for the C-Truth G7 micro-summit for the Fall or Winter. The focus will be on the economic empowerment of Gods and Earths who are business owners in C-Truth.

Review of the Mecca-Mass Family Day


The Mecca Mass 40th Anniversary Family Day Celebration was magnetic. If you missed it don't fret, as The Chosen Few Youth Mentorship Program http://www.MeccaMassStreetAcademy.ning.com will be having up coming events throughout Western Massachusetts so keep your ear to the street and do the knowledge.
Just a lil history, we celebrated 40 years of the teachings of Almighty God Allah still being seen, heard, and felt in the streets of Springfield. The Gods and Earths have given all that they have and all within their power(literally) to uplift the youth and teach them how to be positive and productive young men and women in society. This was two events in one. We also celebrated our Annual Family Day in honor of Tabar Allah, one of the greatest Gods to walk these streets, who gave his life to see Allah's World Manifest as it has and continues to each and every day.
The event kicked off with Justice Allah on the one's and two's, bringin that feel good make you wanna dance music of the 80's, 90's, and today's top hits. Nothing commercial, just real live hip hop, funk, and R&B. Power Allah had the grill rockin and made people wanna poke their heads in to see what was going on. You know ain't nobody turnin' down no free BBQ. Tamari Allah set up the projector and played recordings from our Family Days of the past(84-Present), giving viewers a glimps of how long we have been teaching and building in Springfield, and the positive results of it. The babies of that era who now have babies of their own laughed as they watched themselves dance, run relays, bob for apples, and just be kids.
Even though it was only about noon, we had a full house and everybody was having a good time. Justice put on a dance contest, and the babies did their thing. "$5 to the first to show me their best stanky leg". And it was on. "That don't stank, put some stank on it." lol, they had a ball. Around the culture hour Father Naheem Allah from Black Medina and The Youth and Police Partnership of Boston put on a short play, geared toward the young in attendence. Showing them how trying to be that "dude" and that "chick" could put you in a position where you could lose your life or the life of a loved one behind trying to be other than your own self. The impact it made was felt with a standing ovation, not just from the young but from everyone in attendence.
Shortly after, Dumar Wa'de and Aleem Allah gave us a glimps into the past and made us aware of their trials and tribulations in teaching who the blackman is and how important having a thorough knowlegde of self is in these days and times. Tamari and Myron Allah followed up with current issues and the importance of taking the best part of the day home with you, and I ain't talkin BBQ chicken. All the babies in attenence got their choice of a free book and there was plenty of paintings, books, t-shirts, hats, and memorabilia for sale at less than normal prices. The event started at 9am and ended at 11pm. Nothing but friends, family, fun, socializing, and education. It was one of the greatest days this city has ever seen, and I am honored to be a part of it. And like I said, if you missed it don't beat yourself up about it. We get together every friday afternoon if your ever in the area and would like to add on, and soon we will be having more events coming to a hood near you. So keep your ear to the street and do the knowledge.

And with that said, I'mma say Peace!

Wise Teacher Allah

Ruler's Island (Rhode Island)

We've secured contact for Rhode Island through the God Harun Allah. Rhode Island bka Ruler's Island. For those who are looking for the Knowledge of Self in that area or know someone looking for it in that area the contact email is awol129@hotmail.com.

Mecca-Mass 40th Anniversary

C-Truth Babies on Raw Food