Knowledge the greatness in you. Take that, and make something great of yourself. The World is waiting.
Wise Teacher AllahMecca-Mass
The science to everything in life exist within the blackman. Our civilization and righteousness is the wisdom to be used when destroying the devil. The supreme mind of Allah has created all in which we know. Solidifying the universal fact is the supreme knowledge of ourselves. Once the black man has engaged into his higher self. The capacity of his mind is now his reality utilizing the mass potential of his brain, which is 7 ½ ounces. Bringing forth his true self as God.
Our earth once fully developed by god will ascend into her highest equality. This will enable her to exist on her plane of 6. Knowledge her blackman as God and understanding her culture which is Islam. The universal mind of Allah once adhered by the blackman and woman brings forth the existence of God& Earth which is the initial action towards destroying the devil.
Supreme mathematics and our history accompanied with the degree our lessons allows us to detach ourselves the devil’s civilization. The devil’s civilization depends upon the labor and actions of our people and the only way he can benefit from our labor id to keep our people in a triple state of darkness (blind, deaf and dumb) blind to themselves so he could master them (born universal truth) with the knowledge of the poor righteous teachers educating our people & elevating their minds .
The devil’s reign over our planet has ended due to the refinement of our thinking. Through this refinement the devil’s encapsulation of our people is being relinquished. Leaving him to die in his own iniquity.
Extracting the devil’s way of life from our history is taking the devil off our planet. Within the physical composition of (arm, leg, leg, arm, supreme head) exist the supreme mind. Within the physical is a complete cipher to the planets above. Such as it is above it is below. our physical entity is the our planet and is the initial place of destroying the devil, once its or he destroyed, within the mind by gaining the true knowledge of ourselves, our ways and actions start to reflect our refined minds .thus showing and proving our power to take the devil off our planet in one day. This process is a reverse of the cipher in which we were victimized. Taking the back our culture is our true way of life entails our original attributes, the knowledge of self and healthy diet free from swine and other poisonous animals.
This brings forth proper conduct amongst our BLACK NATION as well as all subjects on the planet earth and all throughout the universe reflecting God’s true light and nourishing our environment.
Its imperative that we take the devil off our planet in our understanding build degree in the 1-40 it shows and proves that Allah is God always has been always will be. Therefore we mandated it to be it will exist. Exemplifying our duty to all of the above.
Lord Supreme Wisemind Allah
Last parliament in New Heaven was a success. Starting next month we move them north to He-Father. Many Gods came out from He-Father and New Heaven who ain't never been around the Cipher. Gods showing up to be accountable for self and to add on to the growth and development of what has been going on in C-Truth. The whole Cipher was receptive to the copies of Knowledge of Self: A Collection of Wisdom on the Science of Everything in Life. The streets of C-Truth will soon be ablaze with Gods and Earths slanging books to the 85%. The importance of having consistent parliaments and 'non hidden' parliaments was emphasized as several youth and people walking by stopped to do the knowledge to the Gods and Earths and even approach us asking questions. Though the contingent of Gods and Earths from Black Medina weren't able to make it we look forward to strengthening our bond with our brothers and sisters in the Kingdoms up North of Mecca-Mass, Black Medina and Black Patmos. Peace to the Gods and Earths.
The universe is written in the laws of mathematics. Almost all ancient and modern scientists have said this, in or way or another. Understanding these laws, and living by them, puts you in harmony with the grand scheme of things. Until you do this, your're going "against the grain" and bound to run into problem after problem. Every system in the universe, no matter how big or small, is governed by the same laws or principles. And guess what is at the very center of it all? You.***
You know this already though. It's funny how people take alot of things on face value. My favorite saying is "if you know better, do better." Why is it that it's easy for us to do all within our power to keep up a front like "we made it" and we all struggling. Why is everybody on the fast track speeding? Don't you know slow and steady wins the race? It's the small things that count. And believe it or not the more you focus on the small tedious things the stronger we become. What does that mean Wise? It means we can learn from everything around us. The normal stuff we totally ignore everyday because they really don't hold any relevence. Like, todays date for instance. 9 times out of 10 the only reason why you know todays date is cuz you either have an appointment, had to write the date on todays lecture notes for your class, it's your day off, pay day is one or two days away(if not today), birthdays, anniversaries, bills, etc.
Other than that, we hold onto knowing today is the 9th ALL day. Whats the significance of the number 9? The universe is written in the laws of mathematics. Every number has (a) value, every value is a principle, every principle is a tool or stepping stone, or road block if you not right and exact in what your doing. And regardless to what you say, your actions speak louder than your words. It's gonna be born or brought into existence. Todays mathematics is the born day(the 9th), which means to bring into existence. From the mental to the physical. Making thoughts a reality. All you gotta say is "BE" and it is, feel me? The 9th letter of the Alphabet is I. That letter is directly showing you who is in control of everything. "I" is born complete. It has all the necessary elements it needs to cultivate "U". "I" stands alone...upright. "I" needs no other element outside of itself to born itself, cuz "I" is what number in the Alphabet? "I" is the realization of one's self as an independent builder. Everything is the way it is because of the choices you made. If you know better, do better. The choice is yours. You know that already doe. Yet alot of us are afraid to make a change, and too afraid to make a difference. Let alone being the change and being the difference. Alot of us fear responsibility not keeping the phrase handy. If you know better, do better. It's the small things that count. You are at the center of it all. So never overlook the little things you say or do, especially infront of children. Because your thoughts, words, ways, and actions are powerful. Just look at everything you've accomplished from then till now. You said "this is what it is" and made it happen. You DID it. You may not have it "made", yet its a beautiful struggle. Everything has to go through stages inorder to fully develop, even you and me. Born means to bring into existence. What you gon' do? Be the best at whatever it is, and thats the significance of today's date.
Wise Teacher Allah
C-Truth is looking forward to the upcoming Parliament. Visitors from Black Medina planning to come through. This is the last outside Parliament for the season in Knowledge (Edgewood) Park. During the Fall and Winter months it switches to an inside venue in He-Father or New Life. Many new Gods were detected around C-Truth during the past month. It will be good to see if they come through to add on with their family.
Boston, which is now known as Black Medina by the Gods and Earths was first named Born Master.